About Us
Mudgiewear.com clothing store coming soon. Please go sign up with your email so you can be the first to be informed when we open and for special releases and promotions. Thanks in advance
In 2016 my everything gained her wings. Loosing my mommy has been the worst pain I’ve had to endure. And six years later the pain is worse. I fell into deep dark whole feeling alone. A void that could never be filled. I weighed 210 pounds. She was truly one of a kind. To the world she was know as Mudgie. Coming up in a Baptist Church she instilled a lot of core values in her children. “God First Family Second every thing else will fall in Place”. For years I smiled through the pain every day not wanting everyone to know what I was going through. Until I couldn’t no more. And I realized it was a life and death situation. Mental illness had hit me hard and I had confined myself to my bedroom. I was now 125 pounds. The only time I would come out was when I had to go to the doctor. I was slowly dying. I would have these dreams were my mom is in them but I can never get to her. Took me a while cause I thought they were nightmares/terror dreams. After praying and talking to my mommy. I realized what the message was. It wasn’t my time to be with her in that aspect right now. She would want me to keep living life to the fullest. I always told her we would travel the world. So with Mudgie Wear she will be able to do that. In trying to honor her I’ve created a positive energy unique clothing line that will cater to everyone. “Mudgie Wear “
M-Motivation U-Undeniable D-Determination G-Genuinely I-Inspired E-Empowering W-Wealth E-Equality A-Achievement R-Respect.
My mom was born and raised in Baltimore, Md. I also was born and raised in Baltimore. Later on in her mid thirties we moved to Jacksonville, Fl. I was 11 years old. My older brother Michael also born and raised in Baltimore joined us in Jacksonville for lil bit in his mid twenties. Once I graduated in 1996 I left for college. In 1999 I graduated from college. Shortly after that we were Blessed with our beautiful little brother Jordan. Who was also born in Baltimore and raised in Jacksonville. Which is how we came to the completion of our full logo with the cities.